MIDLIGHT is the latest print from Stanley Donwood available from The Lost Domain. This edition is a timed release that will be available to order on September 12th from 18:00 UTC/GMT+1 for the following 48 hours.

10% of the profit from this print will go to FREEDOM FROM TORTURE, registered charity which provides therapeutic care for survivors of torture who seek protection in the UK.

The Lost Domain has been established to offer prints to the discerning public. These prints will have an edition size dependent on demand; therefore each print will be available to purchase for a period of 48 hours, and the edition size will reflect the number of people who would like a print, rounded up to a pleasing number such as 20, or 50, or 100 and so on.

'The Lost Domain' or 'Le Grand Meaulnes' is the title of the only book by Alain-Fournier, who was killed during the first month of the First World War. It is a strange novel, about the hopelessness of longing for the unobtainable.